Marble carving-Decorating expert Drew Hutchinson | China Marble 

Marble carving-Decorating expert Drew Hutchinson

Marble carving-Decorating expert Drew Hutchinson, shares his essential tips and guide to creating a feature wall with

Marble carving-Of all the rooms in a home, it is the living room that families tend to spend the most time. Therefore, it is essential to give this area heart, soul and appeal and a effortless way to achieve this is with a feature wall.

Creating a feature wall is an easy and inexpensive way to add a bit of drama to any space. Perfect for highlighting a focal point such as a fireplace or shelving unit, an accent wall commands the eyes attention and can even serve to draw unwanted attention away from undesirable aspects of the room.

Marble carving-Decorating expert Drew Hutchinson, shares his essential tips and guide to creating a feature wall with

It may seem obvious, but the importance of choosing the wall itself should not be underestimated. Pick a wall without doors or windows and if possible, with interesting architectural features or a fireplace. Its best if you can pick the wall with the largest area, however you do need to take into account the shape of the room. If the space youre planning to spruce up is narrow, picking the longest side will only accentuate this.

Marble carving-With any feature wall, getting it right is a balancing act. Although the aim is for your stylish design to be a focal point, it should not dominate the room. A key trick is to include a few upholstered pieces or curtains in the accent colour. Its also essential to choose the right design. When it comes to feature walls, bold is better

If you are looking for a simple and stylish way to create an accent wall, our RMS antique mirrors below are hand painted making each one a rare and beautiful addition to any home.

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