Fireplace surround-Small home fireplace equipment | China Marble 

Fireplace surround-Small home fireplace equipment

Fireplace surround equipment is Beijing star stone Technology Co., Ltd​(BSS).

Fireplace surround equipment is Beijing star stone Technology Co., Ltd(BSS). developed environmental protection, energy-saving new products, products mainly by the electric device and intelligent temperature control devices and other major components of the water cycle heating system.

The main application of the principle of Fireplace surround through the heating equipment to heat the water, so that electricity can be close to 100% of the play, the energy is fully utilized; intelligent thermostat automatic control, through the program-controlled sub-time using the principle of economic operation to save a lot of use costs, Small size, the use of flexible and convenient, the indoor temperature can be set by their own, start off the machine can be controlled by the computer.

【Household Fireplace surround, commercial eFireplace surround, floor Fireplace surround】 Significant advantages:

Fireplace surround-①, high thermal efficiency: to meet the regional heating requirements of the region;

Fireplace surround-② low heating costs: According to the principle of time-sharing sub-heating program using economic operation mode, operating costs than fuel, gas and electric boiler costs lower, eliminating labor costs;

Fireplace surround-③, is conducive to environmental protection: no leakage, low noise, without any pollution, temperature, humidity suitable for good health;

Fireplace surround-④, safe operation: automatic control of atmospheric pressure design and leakage protection device, without special care;

Fireplace surround-⑤, easy to use: intelligent thermostat automatic control, the use of flexible and convenient, the indoor temperature can be set by their own, start off the machine can be controlled by the computer.

Fireplace surround-⑥, cheap: small investment, low cost; long life

Fireplace surround-⑦, quality after-sales service: products within one year of free maintenance, life-long service, from your worries;

Fireplace surround-⑧, multi-function: This product can bath, heating a furnace more use;

Fireplace surround-⑨, the best way: the ground low temperature plumbing, the room temperature adjustment, humidity suitable for people's health.

(BSS) is a company focused on marble, granite, limestone and other stone supply company, based in Beijing, the world, Beijing star stone Technology Co., Ltd (BSS) farming market 20 years, in the The market has a high voice. Beijing star stone Technology Co., Ltd (BSS) has a range of exquisite Fireplace surround products around the sale, look forward to friends to choose.

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